Tuesday, 24 January 2012

Garlic, blood pressure and vampires

So if you are someone who believes in vampires then garlic will give you a bonus effect. It will apparently repel the vampire so he will go choose another victim for a feed. So make sure your house is well stocked up with garlic and wearing some on your person will help too. I’m not so sure about that, I would rather use it for the enjoyment of consumption and the health benefits. There have been many studies on various herbs, seeds, plants, bulbs and oils to check out their health benefits. Out of all the tests garlic scores very highly on a scientific evidence level as to how beneficial garlic is for blood pressure. See link for a systematic review and meta-analysis on effects of garlic on blood pressure (US national Library of Medicine National Institutes of Health.

Also here is a lovely data chart on snake oil taken from the information is beautiful website, see how highly garlic scores on their findings. Also have a look at some of the other great displays of data on this site, very very interesting.

Enjoy Garlic!!!

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